Last updated: January 8, 2025
Invoices set out the total fees charged for your processing over a calendar month, in UTC.
For each entity that was actively processing in that period, you receive one invoice per holding currency. For example, you have two entities: Entity A has five holding currencies and Entity B has two holding currencies. You therefore receive seven invoices in total.
Invoices are not suitable for reconciliation because monetary amounts are rounded.
Invoices display amounts in the major unit of the holding currency, rounded to two decimal places. For example, a card scheme fee of 33.33333 USD is displayed as 33.33 USD.
We offer both gross and net settlement options for invoices.
All fees are invoiced to you at the end of each month. None are deducted from your settlements.
The Total amount due may be positive or negative.
During the month, you can check the upcoming fees in your Balance Report, and see details about specific fees in the Financial Actions by Date Range Report.
You do not need to pay monthly invoices – the Total amount due is always zero. The invoices are for your records only.
If using Safari, hold the Option key when you select the download link.
Invoices include a summary page and multiple fee breakdown pages.
The summary page lists:
- The invoice number, date, currency, and payment status
- For gross settlement, the payment details for settling the invoice
For net settlement, these fields are empty. - Your client account, and the entity the invoice is for
- The total amounts for each fee category charged for services, such as payment processing, standalone services, and account-level fees
- The Total amount due
The Total amount due can be:
- Positive – You must pay this amount to using the specified payment details.
- Negative – The amount is subtracted from your next invoice with a sufficient positive amount due.
- Zero – No action is required.
These pages break down the specific fee types per fee category. For acquiring transactions, the amounts are split by payment method.
For complete information about fee categories and fee types, see Breakdown types.
For detailed calculations and justifications, see the Financial Actions by Date Range Report.
Invoices come in PDF format, and the file name uses the following format:
invoice_{Your Entity-Id}_{Currency}_{Start Date:YYYYMMDD}_{End Date:YYYYMMDD}.pdf
When you settle an invoice, include the unique Invoice no. as the payment reference so we can match the payment to the relevant invoice. The number has the following sequential format:
{unique entity identifier}{currency}{n+1}
For example, if your first invoice was issued on October 1, 2024 with the number 1234567891USD001
. The next invoice is issued on November 1, 2024 with the number 1234567891USD002
If you downloaded an invoice before September 2024, the number format was {unique entity identifier}-{currency}-{n+1}
. For example, 1234567891-USD-0001
Invoices are available from 12:00:00 UTC the day after month end. For example, the July 2024 invoice is available on August 1, 2024 by 12:00:00 UTC. You receive an email when a new invoice is issued.
You can access all new and past invoices:
You must have the Admin role or a custom role with the following permission: View and download monthly fees invoices
To manage roles, see User permissions.
- Sign in to the Dashboard.
- Go to Business account > Invoices.
In the Invoices overview page, you can filter invoices by status, period, holding currency, and entity. - To view the PDF version of an invoice, select the relevant row.
- To download:
- A single invoice – Select the Download icon at the end of the relevant row.
- Multiple invoices – Select the checkbox at the start of each required row, and then select Download invoices.
To retrieve your invoices via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), see Access reports via SFTP.
Invoices are uploaded in the following folder structure:
- Directory – {entity name} > reports-{entity name} > invoices
- File name –
invoice_{EntityID}_{Currency}_{Start Date: YYYYMMDD}_{End Date:YYYYMMDD}.pdf
To receive invoices via email, you must have the Admin role in the Dashboard, or a custom role with the following permission: View and download monthly fees invoices
To manage roles, see User permissions.
You can also set up email notifications for invoices. For guidance, see Notifications.
For entities in some regions, taxes are applied to fees on payments processed – for example, goods and services tax (GST) in Australia.
Invoices for these entities include an additional row on the summary and fee breakdown pages, showing the amount of tax applied in fees in the invoice holding currency. For entities in regions where tax is not applicable, this column is not included.
If the invoice holding currency is different to your local tax currency, the exchange rate applied is specified at the end of the summary page. The rate is determined by the average point-in-time exchange rate between the two currencies for the given financial actions within the invoice period.
The exact amount of tax applied in your local tax currency is specified in the Tax Currency Amount column in the Financial Actions by Date Range Report.