Enable Remember Me
Last updated: March 19, 2025
Remember Me is only available for merchants in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). To enable Remember Me, contact your Account Manager or support@checkout.com.
The Remember Me feature enables customers to save their card details during checkout. The next time the customer shops at any merchant that has Remember Me enabled, we display their saved card details.
This means you can provide a faster checkout experience even if the customer did not save their details directly with you.
Customer details cannot be stored or retrieved in merchant-initiated transactions (MITs).
Remember Me is available for the following integrations:
When a customer chooses to save their card details during checkout we save and link their following details:
- Email address
- Payment details
- Phone number

The next time the customer shops with a merchant that enabled Remember Me:
- Checkout.com uses the email address the customer provided to detect if they have previously saved their details.
- We send them a one-time code to securely verify their identity and authenticate their session.
- If successful, we display their saved card details to provide a faster checkout experience.

Customers can manage their saved details and view their purchase history on their personal dashboard.
Remember Me's authentication does not replace any additional payment authentication required by the issuer, scheme, or merchant. For example, 3D Secure authentication.
To display Remember Me on the checkout page, you must provide the customer.email
field when you Request a Payment Session.
To provide a better experience for returning customers, we recommend that you also request the customer's phone number and provide it in the customer.phone
1{2"amount": 1000,3"currency": "GBP",4"reference": "ORD-123A",5"billing": {6"address": {7"country": "GB"8}9},10"customer": {11"name": "Jia Tsang",12"email": "jia.tsang@example.com",13"phone": {14"country_code": "+44",15"number": "7700900000"16}17},18"success_url": "https://example.com/payments/success",19"failure_url": "https://example.com/payments/failure"20}
1{2"id": "ps_2Un6I6lRpIAiIEwQIyxWVnV9CqQ",3"payment_session_secret": "pss_9823241e-2cec-4c98-b23d-7b29ow4e2e34",4"payment_session_token": "YmFzZTY0:eyJpZCI6InBzXzJVbjZJNmxScElBaUlFd1FJeXhXVm5WOUNxUSIsImFtb3VudCI6MTAwMCwibG9jYWxlIjoiZW4tR0IiLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6IkdCUCIsInBheW1lbnRfbWV0aG9kcyI6W3sidHlwZSI6ImNhcmQiLCJjYXJkX3NjaGVtZXMiOlsiVmlzYSIsIk1hc3RlcmNhcmQiLCJBbWV4Il19XSwicmlzayI6eyJlbmFibGVkIjp0cnVlfSwiX2xpbmtzIjp7InNlbGYiOnsiaHJlZiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXBpLnNhbmRib3guY2hlY2tvdXQuY29tL3BheW1lbnQtc2Vzc2lvbnMvcHNfMlVuNkk2bFJwSUFpSUV3UUl5eFdWblY5Q3FRIn19fQ==",5"_links": {6"self": {7"href": "https://api.sandbox.checkout.com/payment-sessions/ps_2Un6I6lRpIAiIEwQIyxWVnV9CqQ"8}9}10}
When you have successfully tested your integration in the sandbox environment, contact your Account Manager or support@checkout.com to enable Remember Me in your production environment.