Network tokens
Last updated: September 12, 2023
Network tokens are unique digital identifiers. You can use them to supply a tokenized value, instead of the primary account number (PAN), in all parts of the payment flow.
EMVCo and other card schemes introduced payment tokenization to address concerns around the use of non-tokenized PANs in payment flows, such as:
- Authorization declines due to lack of transparency and trust among the actors in the payment flow
- Outdated credentials leading to declined payments and failed subscriptions
- Risk of data breach exposure of the unprotected account details's opt-in managed solution automatically provides network tokens on your behalf with Visa and Mastercard whenever we see a new card used in a payment transaction.
Learn how to send payments, using your existing network tokens.
After providing the token, we then start using the tokenized PAN instead of the non-tokenized PAN. Meanwhile your integration remains unchanged.
We also keep the network tokens up to date by automatically handling the token lifecycle events from card schemes and issuers for you.
Learn more about network tokens.
For more information about enabling network tokens and optimizing your payments performance, contact your Account Manager or [email protected].
If a charge is declined using a network token with any of the following technical errors, we will automatically retry the charge using full PAN:
To opt out of full PAN fallback, reach out to your Account Manager.
20003 - Invalid merchant or service provider
20030 - Format error
20068 - Response received too late / Timeout
20091 - Issuer unavailable or switch is inoperative
20096 - System malfunction
For additional information about technical errors, see our API response codes.
Depending on the region, there may be a higher scheme fee. To opt out of full PAN fallback, contact your Account Manager.