Reverse a payment
Last updated: April 24, 2024
You can reverse a payment to return funds back to the customer, without having to manage the appropriate action to take based on the payment status.
Depending on the payment's current status, requesting a payment reversal will automatically perform one of the following actions:
- Fully refund a captured payment
- Void an authorized payment
- Cancel retries on a payment with pending retries
- Refund partially captured funds and void the remaining authorization amount
- Refund all captured funds from a partial refund and void any remaining authorization amount
You can only request a payment reversals for card authorizations and captures.
Reversals are always processed:
- In the same currency as the authorized or captured payment
- For the full payment amount – to return partial funds to the customer, request a partial refund instead
To reverse a payment, the payment must be in a state that allows it to be reversed. For example:
partially captured
partially refunded
retry scheduled
You cannot cancel a reversal after it has been processed.
You can then call the following endpoint with the payment id
, which you can retrieve from one of the following places:
- The response to the original payment request
- The webhook notification you received notifying you of the payment status
For the full API specification, see the API reference.
1{2"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",3"metadata": {4"coupon_code": "NY2024",5"partner_id": 1239896}7}
Refunds are processed asynchronously, meaning the response does not specify whether the refund was successful. To be notified of the refund status, subscribe to the payment refund webhooks.
If you attempt to reverse a payment that was already reversed, you'll receive a 204
1{2"action_id": "act_y3oqhf46pyzuxjbcn2giaqnb44",3"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",4"_links": {5"payment": {6"href": ""7}8}9}