Accept a payment using the API
Last updated: February 26, 2025
You can use the Unified Payments API to request a payment with:
- A token
- A network token
- A payment instrument
- The full card details, if your level of PCI compliance is SAQ D
The Unified Payments API supports idempotency. You can safely retry API requests without the risk of duplicate requests.
To reduce the likelihood of encountering a decline due to an unsupported payment method, you can check which payment methods are configured on your account before you request a payment.
You can use the values returned to ensure that you do not display unsupported payment methods to the customer at checkout.
To return the payment methods available for a specific processing channel, pass the processing_channel_id
as a query parameter. For example:
1{2"methods": [3{4"type": "visa"5},6{7"type": "mastercard"8},9{10"type": "paypal",11"partner_merchant_id": "XUDKCFT2RGRAC"12},13{14"type": "applepay"15}16]17}
A token is a secure representation of sensitive payment details.
If you've integrated with our Flow or Frames front-end solutions, you receive a token when the customer submits their payment details on the checkout page.
If you request a payment request with the token, you ensure that the sensitive payment details do not reach your server.
For the full API specification, see the API reference.
You can also provide additional payment and authentication data to improve the data quality of your payment request. This can help issuers to identify fraudulent transactions and reduce false declines.
The Fraud Detection solution uses the customer's IP address to assess the transaction risk and make the payment. The request's payment_ip
field supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
1{2"source": {3"type": "token",4"token": "tok_4gzeau5o2uqubbk6fufs3m7p54"5},6"amount": 6500,7"currency": "USD",8"processing_channel_id": "pc_ovo75iz4hdyudnx6tu74mum3fq",9"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",10"metadata": {11"udf1": "TEST123",12"coupon_code": "NY2024",13"partner_id": 12398914}15}
If you receive a 201
response with the following values, the authorization was successful:
"approved": true
"status": "Authorized"
If you receive a 202
response, the payment requires a redirect. For example, if the payment was performed with 3D Secure (3DS) authentication.
For 3DS payments that require a redirect, status
may return Pending
while additional authentication is performed.
See the CVV codes, AVS codes, and API response codes documentation to help you understand the response.
The possible values for the status
field are:
(3DS payments only)Card Verified
If the status
value is Declined
, the authorization failed. The card used for the payment request may be invalid, expired, or have insufficient funds for the transaction.
To receive asynchronous status updates, you can use the Get payment details endpoint, or set up a workflow.
1{2"id": "pay_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",3"action_id": "act_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",4"amount": 6540,5"currency": "USD",6"approved": true,7"status": "Authorized",8"auth_code": "770687",9"response_code": "10000",10"response_summary": "Approved",11"3ds": {12"downgraded": true,13"enrolled": "N"14},15"risk": {16"flagged": true17},18"source": {19"type": "card",20"id": "src_nwd3m4in3hkuddfpjsaevunhdy",21"billing_address": {22"address_line1": "123 Anywhere St.",23"address_line2": "Apt. 456",24"city": "Anytown",25"state": "AL",26"zip": "123456",27"country": "US"28},29"phone": {30"country_code": "+1",31"number": "555 123 4567"32},33"last4": "4242",34"fingerprint": "F31828E2BDABAE63EB694903825CDD36041CC6ED461440B81415895855502832",35"bin": "424242"36},37"customer": {38"id": "cus_udst2tfldj6upmye2reztkmm4i",39"email": "[email protected]",40"name": "Ali Farid"41},42"processed_on": "2024-09-10T10:11:12Z",43"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",44"processing": {45"retrieval_reference_number": "909913440644",46"acquirer_transaction_id": "440644309099499894406"47},48"eci": "06",49"scheme_id": "489341065491658",50"links": {51"self": {52"href": ""53},54"action": {55"href": ""56},57"void": {58"href": ""59},60"capture": {61"href": ""62}63}64}
A network token is a secure representation of a card's primary account number (PAN), provided by card networks.
For the full API specification, see the API reference.
You can also provide additional payment and authentication data to improve the data quality of your payment request. This can help issuers to identify fraudulent transactions and reduce false declines.
The Fraud Detection solution uses the customer's IP address for the transaction risk assessment and to make the payment. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
1{2"source": {3"type": "network_token",4"token": "4242424242424242",5"token_type": "vts",6"expiry_month": "10",7"expiry_year": "2025",8"eci": "06",9"cryptogram": "AgAAAAAAAIR8CQrXcIhbQAAAAAA="10},11"amount": 1000,12"currency": "USD",13"pan_preference": "dpan"14}
If you receive a 201
response with the following values, the authorization was successful:
"approved": true
"status": "Authorized"
If authorization failed, the payment may have been requested with an invalid or expired card, or a valid card with insufficient funds.
If you receive a 202
response, the payment requires a redirect. For example, if the payment was performed with 3D Secure (3DS) authentication.
For 3DS payments that require a redirect, status
may return Pending
while additional authentication is performed.
See the CVV codes, AVS codes, and API response codes documentation to help you understand the response.
The possible values for the status
field are:
(3DS payments only)Card Verified
1{2"id": "pay_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",3"action_id": "act_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",4"amount": 6540,5"currency": "USD",6"approved": true,7"status": "Authorized",8"auth_code": "770687",9"response_code": "10000",10"response_summary": "Approved",11"3ds": {12"downgraded": true,13"enrolled": "N"14},15"risk": {16"flagged": true17},18"source": {19"type": "card",20"id": "src_nwd3m4in3hkuddfpjsaevunhdy",21"billing_address": {22"address_line1": "123 Anywhere St.",23"address_line2": "Apt. 456",24"city": "Anytown",25"state": "AL",26"zip": "123456",27"country": "US"28},29"phone": {30"country_code": "+1",31"number": "555 123 4567"32},33"last4": "4242",34"fingerprint": "F31828E2BDABAE63EB694903825CDD36041CC6ED461440B81415895855502832",35"bin": "424242"36},37"customer": {38"id": "cus_udst2tfldj6upmye2reztkmm4i",39"email": "[email protected]",40"name": "Ali Farid"41},42"processed_on": "2024-09-10T10:11:12Z",43"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",44"processing": {45"retrieval_reference_number": "909913440644",46"acquirer_transaction_id": "440644309099499894406",47"pan_type_processed": "dpan",48"cko_network_token_available": true49},50"eci": "06",51"scheme_id": "489341065491658",52"links": {53"self": {54"href": ""55},56"action": {57"href": ""58},59"void": {60"href": ""61},62"capture": {63"href": ""64}65}66}
A payment instrument is a secure representation of a customer's card or bank account you've stored with for reuse.
For the full API specification, see the API reference.
You can also provide additional payment and authentication data to improve the data quality of your payment request. This can help issuers to identify fraudulent transactions and reduce false declines.
1{2"source": {3"type": "id",4"id": "src_wmlfc3zyhqzehihu7giusaaawu"5},6"amount": 6500,7"currency": "USD",8"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89"9}
1{2"id": "pay_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",3"amount": 6500,4"currency": "USD",5"approved": true,6"status": "Authorized",7"auth_code": "770687",8"response_code": "10000",9"response_summary": "Approved",10"source": {11"type": "id",12"id": "src_wmlfc3zyhqzehihu7giusaaawu"13}14}
If your level of PCI compliance is SAQ D, you can request a payment using full card details.
To enable full card processing on your account, contact your Solution Engineer or [email protected].
For the full API specification, see the API reference.
You can also provide additional payment and authentication data to improve the data quality of your payment request. This can help issuers to identify fraudulent transactions and reduce false declines.
The Fraud Detection solution uses the customer's IP address for the transaction risk assessment and to make the payment. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
1{2"source": {3"type": "card",4"number": "4242424242424242",5"expiry_month": 12,6"expiry_year": 20227},8"amount": 6500,9"currency": "USD",10"processing_channel_id": "processing_channel_id",11"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",12"metadata": {13"udf1": "TEST123",14"coupon_code": "NY2024",15"partner_id": 12398916}17}
If you receive a 201
response with the following values, the authorization was successful:
"approved": true
"status": "Authorized"
If authorization failed, the payment may have been requested with an invalid or expired card, or a valid card with insufficient funds.
If you receive a 202
response, the payment requires a redirect. For example, if the payment was performed with 3D Secure (3DS) authentication.
For 3DS payments that require a redirect, status
may return Pending
while additional authentication is performed.
To understand the response, see the CVV codes, AVS codes, and API response codes documentation.
The possible values for the status
field are:
(3DS payments only)Card Verified
1{2"id": "pay_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",3"action_id": "act_mbabizu24mvu3mela5njyhpit4",4"amount": 6540,5"currency": "USD",6"approved": true,7"status": "Authorized",8"auth_code": "770687",9"response_code": "10000",10"response_summary": "Approved",11"3ds": {12"downgraded": true,13"enrolled": "N"14},15"risk": {16"flagged": true17},18"source": {19"type": "card",20"id": "src_nwd3m4in3hkuddfpjsaevunhdy",21"billing_address": {22"address_line1": "123 Anywhere St.",23"address_line2": "Apt. 456",24"city": "Anytown",25"state": "AL",26"zip": "123456",27"country": "US"28},29"phone": {30"country_code": "+1",31"number": "555 123 4567"32},33"last4": "4242",34"fingerprint": "F31828E2BDABAE63EB694903825CDD36041CC6ED461440B81415895855502832",35"bin": "424242"36},37"customer": {38"id": "cus_udst2tfldj6upmye2reztkmm4i",39"email": "[email protected]",40"name": "Ali Farid"41},42"processed_on": "2024-09-10T10:11:12Z",43"reference": "ORD-5023-4E89",44"processing": {45"retrieval_reference_number": "909913440644",46"acquirer_transaction_id": "440644309099499894406"47},48"eci": "06",49"scheme_id": "489341065491658",50"links": {51"self": {52"href": ""53},54"action": {55"href": ""56},57"void": {58"href": ""59},60"capture": {61"href": ""62}63}64}