Apple Pay for web
Last updated: March 19, 2025
Accept Apple Pay payments on your website with Flow, our pre-built, customizable payment user interface.
Flow enables you to accept payments using's global network of payment methods with a single integration.
Set up your client-side and server-side configuration to integrate with's payment gateway and enable payments on your website.
The customer lands on the checkout page.
You perform a server-side request to create a payment session.
You use the payment session data on the client-side to mount Flow.
Flow displays the Apple Pay payment method to the customer.
When the customer clicks the Pay option, Flow performs a payment request and handles any additional actions. For example, additional actions required for 3D Secure (3DS) authentication, or a third-party payment page redirect.
You receive a webhook notifying you of the payment status.
To offer Apple Pay with Flow, you must:
- Contact your Account Manager to onboard a custom domain with Apple Pay.
- Comply with the Apple Pay payment method rules.
Make sure you have a test account with
Create a public key and a secret key from the Dashboard, with the following key scopes:
- Public key –
- Secret key –
To receive notifications for the payment events that may be triggered throughout the steps, configure your webhook receiver.
Some operating systems may not fully support Apple Pay if you integrate Flow within a WebView.
If you have a Content Security Policy (CSP) on your website, requires the following directives:
1connect-src, https://*.checkout.com2frame-src, https://*.checkout.com3script-src, https://*.checkout.com4img-src, https://*
When the customer is ready to pay, you must send a server-side request to securely create a PaymentSession
object. The PaymentSession
contains the information required to handle all steps of the payment flow.
In your request:
- Set
to a country supported by Apple Pay - Set
to the selected country's currency code
For the full API specification, see the API reference.
1{2"amount": 1000,3"currency": "GBP",4"reference": "ORD-123A",5"display_name": "Online shop",6"payment_type": "Regular",7"billing": {8"address": {9"country": "GB"10}11},12"customer": {13"name": "Jia Tsang",14"email": "[email protected]"15},16"items": [17{18"reference": "0001",19"name": "Gold Necklace",20"quantity": 1,21"unit_price": 100022}23],24"success_url": "",25"failure_url": ""26}
1{2"id": "ps_2Un6I6lRpIAiIEwQIyxWVnV9CqQ",3"payment_session_secret": "pss_9823241e-2cec-4c98-b23d-7b29ow4e2e34",4"payment_session_token": "YmFzZTY0:eyJpZCI6InBzXzJVbjZJNmxScElBaUlFd1FJeXhXVm5WOUNxUSIsImFtb3VudCI6MTAwMCwibG9jYWxlIjoiZW4tR0IiLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6IkdCUCIsInBheW1lbnRfbWV0aG9kcyI6W3sidHlwZSI6ImNhcmQiLCJjYXJkX3NjaGVtZXMiOlsiVmlzYSIsIk1hc3RlcmNhcmQiLCJBbWV4Il19XSwicmlzayI6eyJlbmFibGVkIjp0cnVlfSwiX2xpbmtzIjp7InNlbGYiOnsiaHJlZiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXBpLnNhbmRib3guY2hlY2tvdXQuY29tL3BheW1lbnQtc2Vzc2lvbnMvcHNfMlVuNkk2bFJwSUFpSUV3UUl5eFdWblY5Q3FRIn19fQ==",5"_links": {6"self": {7"href": ""8}9}10}
You can install the
package via npm:
1npm install --save
Alternatively, you can load the package directly via a script:
1<script src="" />
To remain PCI compliant, you should only ever load the script directly from
. Do not download or host the script yourself, or include it in a bundle.
The client side initializes an instance of CheckoutWebComponents
with configuration information and the payment session data retrieved in step 1.
1// Insert your public key here2const publicKey = '{YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY}';34const checkout = await CheckoutWebComponents({5paymentSession,6publicKey,7environment: 'sandbox',8});
You can use the following configuration options to instantiate an instance of CheckoutWebComponents
JavaScript key | Description |
| Allows you to customize the visual appearance of the |
| Allows you to customize the options for the individual Flow components. For example, you can change the position of the cardholder field in the |
| Sets the environment that the library should point, and send requests to. Use |
| Sets the customer's locale. Explicitly setting this value overrides the |
| The response from the This field is required. |
| Your public API key. Your key is prefixed with This field is required. |
| Allows you to provide custom text translations for natively supported languages, or add custom text for locales and languages not natively supported by Flow. To learn how to add translations, refer to the Add localization to your Flow integration documentation. |
Use CheckoutWebComponents
to create an applepay
1const applepayComponent = checkout.create("applepay");
Mount Flow to the website using the mount()
method. The method takes an Element selector or an Element as an argument. For example, #flow-container
or document.getElementById(#flow-container)
, respectively.
1if (await applepayComponent.isAvailable()) {2applepayComponent.mount('#applepay-container');3}
Embedding Flow within an iframe or onto a Shadow DOM is not supported.
The onPaymentCompleted
event triggers when a payment is successfully completed. You can use the event data to notify the customer of the payment status.
Add the event handler to the Flow initialization code:
1const publicKey = '{YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY}';23const checkout = await CheckoutWebComponents({4paymentSession,5publicKey,6environment: 'sandbox',78onPaymentCompleted: async (_self, paymentResponse) => {9// Handle synchronous payments10await handlePayment(;11},12});
If you've set up your webhook receiver, we send a Gateway webhook to your server. The webhook we send depends on the status of the payment. Wait for the webhook callback before you trigger your order fulfillment process.
The PaymentSession
ID is returned in the webhook payload's data.metadata.cko_payment_session_id
To test Apple Pay payments, you need:
- A device compatible with Apple Pay
- A sandbox Apple Pay wallet, which you have added a test card to – For more information, see the Apple Pay Sandbox testing documentation
Use our test cards to simulate different payment flows, to ensure your integration is set up correctly and behaving as expected.
To check the status of a payment:
- Sign in to the Dashboard.
- Go to Payments > Processing > All payments.
- Select the test payment to view its details.